Friday, May 22, 2009

Lazy........ Or Just Delay?

It's been said that I am lazy. Well, I know that I can be lazy at times. And maybe those times have carried on to define my person to others. Misconception. Big. It's been my doing, I know. And to correct that wrong will also have to be my doing.
The main issue is not laziness. I'm not lazy. I'm not untidy. And I'm definitely not careless. It's my ability to PROCRASTINATE. That's the root of all this misconception. See? I've taken the first step: I've identified the problem.
Procrastination. I do that a lot. A whole lot. I have to pack my bags..... I'll do it later. I have to wash my hair..... I'll do it later. I have to clean the kitchen...... I'll do it later. Oops! I dropped the book on the floor instead of on the table. I'll pick it up later. See? that's what's killing me! Then, I come across as lazy or careless!
So, what right do I have to do to right the wrong that is so wrongly my representation?
For the past two months (starting sometime mid-March up until now, May), I've been trying to work out a method to get rid of the whole procrastination issue. Right now, that method is a little bit shaky, but at least, I've got a sketch of the whole thing. That's headway.
I take my jotter every night (which means I'll need a daily planner...... I'll get one later :-)) and write down everything I should get done the next day, starting with my quiet time, even unto the minutest of details. Stuff I know I have to do everyday comes up on a different list I call the "Everyday Stuff-to-do List".
When I drop stuff on the floor or in the wrong place, and I'm about to turn away , saying to myself that I'll do it better later, I will my mind and then my body to turn back and do it right then, and not later. What is worth doing is worth doing well, right?
I have procrastinated my book writing and poem collection for over two years now. So, this is my plan for that: every week, I must have a new poem added to my collection, and for my book, I must have a new chapter completed every week, starting next week (God help me!).
If I'm not making any sense or any effort that'll prove feasible, let me know. But, if I have learned right, I think I'm on the right track; I have identified (I should probably join P.A. - Procrastinators Anonymous); I have laid out a plan which I think is feasible and sensible, and I'm already working with it. It's hard, believe me, almost as hard as trying to break my Coca-cola addiction, but it's a race I'm determined to win. See, I must win. I have to win; if I'm to make any headway and impact on this earth, I must win it. I am innit to winnit! And I will, so help me God.
'Nuff said.


Unknown said...

Yea, procastination is a real problem, I have a share of mine. As of coca kola addiction, I will do something about mine when I come in the next life.

Chizzy said...

Truly, an issue. On breaking the coke addiction, we're totally on the same page! Next life sounds just perfect.